Who is Hollywood Morris
The story of “Hollywood” Henry Morris is an amazing one. He grew up in a drug-infested area of Fort Lauderdale, FL where crime was rampant. Both parents struggled with alcohol abuse; he and his siblings witnessed domestic violence throughout their childhood. At a very early age, he showed a deep interest in media and the game of football. Those interests were cultivated by special teachers, coaches, and community servants that had a major impact on him with their mentorship.
Hollywood channeled his rage and anger from the pain in his life and unleashed it on the football field. He used his love affair with video production as an escape from all of the problems he saw around him on a daily basis. As he honed his skills he won many awards. He received the JC Penney Golden Rule Community Service Award, Walt Disney’s Dreamers & Doers Award, the Florida Association for Media in Education Jim Harbin Award, and he won the South Florida Black Film Festival Oscar Micheaux student competition twice. He also produced projects that advanced to the semi-finals of the JVC/Universal Studios Florida High School Video Competition in 1993 and 1995.