Hard Times Make Strong Men
In 1995 Hollywood’s world would come crashing down, starting with a devastating knee injury that would derail any hopes of playing college football. Weeks before starting film school in 1996, his parent’s marriage was destroyed when his mother was arrested for attempting to stab his father. Shortly after that, his grandmother died suddenly of a heart attack. Less than a year later, one of his mentors, Cheryl Wilson, former American Gladiators Champion was stabbed to death by her husband. The following year the teacher of his teen Bible study class was commited a double murder and sentenced to life in prison. His family continued to collapse causing him and his father to stop speaking for nearly a decade. After everything, he thought he could depend on had failed, the one thing that did not was his faith in God. In 1997, he started the gospel rap group Men of Faith with his older brother Marcus. They ministered at several churches and Christian events in south Florida.