Who Is Hollywood

Hard Times Make Strong Men

In 1995 Hollywood’s world would come crashing down, starting with a devastating knee injury that would derail any hopes of playing college football. Weeks before starting film school in 1996, his parent’s marriage was destroyed when his mother was arrested for attempting to stab his father. Shortly after that, his grandmother died suddenly of a heart attack. Less than a year later, one of his mentors, Cheryl Wilson, former American Gladiators Champion was stabbed to death by her husband. The following year the teacher of his teen Bible study class was commited a double murder and sentenced to life in prison. His family continued to collapse causing him and his father to stop speaking for nearly a decade. After everything, he thought he could depend on had failed, the one thing that did not was his faith in God. In 1997, he started the gospel rap group Men of Faith with his older brother Marcus. They ministered at several churches and Christian events in south Florida.

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Men of Faith

It was during that time that Hollywood felt that his faith did not mesh with the lifestyles that were portrayed and celebrated in entertainment. He left film school and started to work with various small churches. He noticed nearly all of the churches he worked with were very inconsistent when came to sound doctrine and politics. One of his mentors, Rick Melillo introduced him to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative voices. He challenged Hollywood  to examine what the so-called black leaders were actually doing to help the community. This was the first time he had ever heard of conservatism and through teachers like Dr. D. James Kennedy, Hank Hanefgraaff, and Dr. James Dobson. He learned the importance of a Christian worldview. He also read a very influential book by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, called Tortured for Christ, which opened his eyes to what Christians all over the world faced daily while in America, too many Christians seemed caught up in the prosperity gospel and counterfeit revivals. Hollywood began to be influenced by more Christian conservative leaders, such as clearance Thomas, Star Parker, Allen keys, Marlon Maddox, Walter Williams, and Clarence Mason. He started supporting ministries such as Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, the American Family Association, and The Center for Reclaiming America.


For A tIME Such As This

In the early 2000s, he found himself very frustrated with his life. Working for three fortune 500 companies didn’t fill the void that was left by not producing videos. He took on the task of teaching himself digital editing, graphic, and web design. His mission was to take smaller churches take their media ministry to the next level at a fraction of the cost being charged in the media industry. His passion, hard work, dedication, and creativity led to over 100 website projects, and over 1000 media projects, with over 40 churches, and non-profit organizations including the Service Academy Graduate Super Reunion, National Baptist Convention USA and the Miami Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen.
As he traveled the country, he noticed the issues in the black community were continually getting worse while the churches seemed to be promoting a victim mentality, blaming white people and teaching some form of woke theology. In 2020 Hollywood learned just how far the cancer had metastasized in the church when he began to produce weekly sermons for several churches that were in lockdown. When the blm/crt woke takeover exploded in the summer of 2020 he was dismayed at how many churches supported and promoted it.

He couldn’t be quiet any longer. He couldn’t sit by and watch the country that he was raised to love being torn apart by neo-marxist using racism as their weapon of mass destruction. He was profoundly impacted by pastors, such as Voodie Bauchum, and Virgil Walker. He was encouraged by the boldness of fighters like Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, Candace Owens, Jason Whitlock, Greg Foreman and Quisha King. He started Support Our Shields to support law enforcement officers against the woke and well-coordinated defund the police movement. Then in 2022, he created Critical Communications to expose how wokeness has not only corrupted many churches but is destroying our country.

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